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First 5 Monterey County
April Newsletter: First 5 Turns 20 ' Early Childhood a Local Priority ' Week of the Young Child

In early childhood, parents eagerly await many milestones like the first smile, step, and word. When milestones happen, it is rewarding and exhilarating to see how love and support nurture growth and development!

At First 5 Monterey County, we are excited to announce our significant milestone. All across the state, First 5s are turning 20 this year. Over the last two decades, First 5 has brought unique value to Monterey County. Our collaborative partnerships with local organizations, agencies, and individuals have connected over 500,000 young children, parents, educators, and providers to needed services like developmental screenings, parenting classes, parent-child playgroups, home visiting, and professional development programs. These coordinated services build local capacity to help foster children's healthy development and lay a strong foundation for young children now, in school, and later in life.

To showcase how this collaborative work has made a difference, we will be hosting a community-wide event. Details are in the planning stages and we look forward to sharing these with you soon. But, right now an opportunity exists for you to help us tell the story of how our work together has made a difference in the lives of young children, families, and local organizations/agencies. Do you have a story to share? A service provider to thank? A family whose story still remains with you? We want to hear from you! You can submit stories three different ways, and we'll follow-up for an interview.

  • Online: Visit our website and complete the form.

  • Email: Send an email with your contact information and brief story description to Nina Alcaraz at Nina@First5Monterey.org.

  • Phone: Contact Nina Alcaraz at 831-444-8549, ext. 11

In the meantime, it is important to remember that decisions affecting our youngest children and their families happen every day in our schools, cities, county, state, and nation. Let's Raise Monterey County Together!

For the past couple of months, the Board of Supervisors (BOS) hosted a community engagement process that included online and telephone surveys, along with five community forums to understand how potential cannabis tax revenue could help meet community needs. During the April 17 BOS meeting, Supervisors reviewed findings from these efforts. Significantly, early childhood rose as a top priority for the online and phone surveys and education was a top priority from the community forums. READ MORE

Each year, the early childhood community comes together to celebrate the wonder and joy of childhood during Week of the Young Child. Recognized nationally this year from April 16 to the 20, First 5 celebrated the week by sponsoring local child-friendly events and bringing helpful tips to families about the importance of taking time each day to share activities with young children. READ MORE

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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