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First 5 Monterey County
First 5 Monterey County February Newsletter

It is always appreciated when we can celebrate the successes that impact our youngest children and their families. Last year, Monterey County experienced significant shifts at the State level to support early childhood development, including the passage of AB 300: child care and development services.

In late January, the First 5 Commission recognized the commitment and leadership behind this legislation. Notably, Assembly Member Caballero drafted AB 300 and brought it to lawmakers in response to local needs shared by Shannan Watkins, Chair of the Child Care Planning Council, and Francine Rodd, First 5 Monterey County Executive Director. Those challenges centered around the complexities and barriers within the current child care funding system. Assembly Member Caballero and her staff participated in multiple hearings on both sides of the Legislature and last minute negotiations involving AB 300. Because of Assembly Member Caballero's tireless, collaborative work with local and state advocates, the bill was passed and Governor Brown signed the legislation into law on October 12, 2017.

AB 300 provides a powerful tool for the Central Coast early learning community. Subsidy programs in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties now have the flexibility to increase income eligibility guidelines for families to serve more children, offer higher reimbursement rates to child care providers, and contract with programs that can fully use available subsidies.

Francine Rodd and Nina Alcaraz, First 5 Monterey County Senior Policy, Advocacy, and Communications Manager, presented Assembly Member Caballero and Enedina Garcia, Legislative Assistant, with a certificate of appreciation during a recent trip to Sacramento (pictured). Aline Reyna, District Director, was also recognized during the January Commission meeting.


On January 30, First 5 presented our 2016/2017 Annual Report to the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, highlighting the $7.1 million investment in Parenting Development, Child Care Quality, and Mental Health and Child Well-Being. Through collaboration with our funded partners, this investment supported more than 35,000 young children, parents, caregivers, providers, and educators. The presentation also noted the continued decline of First 5 funds. READ MORE

A new book features a chapter on the Alegria Migrant and Seasonal Head Start in King City. Impressed with the center's work, the authors highlight the unique partnership with First 5 Monterey County technical assistance professionals. READ MORE

Bright Futures recently brought community leaders together during a breakfast and celebration. The event showcased progress and results-Bright Spots-around educational outcomes for children, youth, and young adults, encompassing Bright Future's 7 Community Goals. The passage of AB 300 was recognized as an early learning policy Bright Spot, with the potential to reduce the waitlist for subsidized child care by nearly 11 percent. READ MORE

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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