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First 5 Monterey County
Thanks for Being a Champion: First 5 Commissioners ' County Budget for Children ' Policy Network

First 5 is honored to work with a broad and diverse group of local experts—including our own Commissioners. For the past six years, Commissioner Josefina Silva has offered her knowledge of early childhood, the school system, and the needs of South County families and communities to help guide the Commission's decisions. It is with great respect that we thank Commissioner Silva for her service as a community member on the Commission. We are fortunate that she will continue to be an advocate and champion for young children in her role as Preschool Coordinator for the Greenfield Union School District and member of the Greenfield Bright Beginnings Collaborative Action Team. We are truly grateful for her expertise and time in support of helping young children meet their unique potential.

With Commissioner Silva's departure, the Board of Supervisors approved the appointment of Dr. Julia Pederson, a pediatrician at Mee Memorial Hospital in King City. Before joining the hospital staff, Dr. Pederson attended Harvard College and Stanford School of Medicine. She completed her pediatric residency at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine/Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Illinois.

Dr. Pederson attended the Commission and Staff Retreat in late May. The Retreat looked to identify how First 5 can respond thoughtfully to emerging opportunities within the context of a systems-based approach, declining Proposition 10 revenues, and increasing needs.

We welcome Dr. Pedersen and are excited about her knowledge around the role that physicians play in the holistic development of young children.

We continue to monitor the county cannabis revenue progress and encourage community members to submit comments through the county's online survey about excess cannabis tax revenue priorities. Interim results identifying early learning and preschool programs and education as top community priorities were used in decision making for the proposed 2018/2019 budget. The survey closes on June 30-click Read More for the link. READ MORE

This year, a group of advocates from Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties came together to unite around early childhood policies as the Central Coast Early Childhood Advocacy Network. Through facilitated conversations, the group continues to refine a policy platform with goals around Strong Families; Health and Well Being; Quality Early Care and Learning; and Effective and Sustainable Systems. READ MORE

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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