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First 5 Monterey County
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Happy New Year!
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As we kick off a new decade, we find ourselves reflecting on the many accomplishments we've shared as a community - from policy changes that take a stand for early childhood programming to community support and collaboratives that are changing the daily lives of our local families. Sharing this important work with all of you gives us great hope for the future.

We're proud to start this new year with a special tribute to the collaboratives that make such an important impact for parents and children in our community. We hope you can find three minutes to enjoy the video linked above. We are indescribably grateful for the many individuals and organizations that help us make a difference in the lives of young children and their families in Monterey County. For more information on the Early Childhood Collaboratives visit our website: Early Childhood Collaboratives.

Together, we are shaping our community into a place where every child reaches their unique potential within a family and community that values, respects, and invests in early childhood. Here's to more progress this year and in the new decade ahead!

We wish you plenty of playtime in 2020!

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1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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