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First 5 Monterey County
New Commissioner ' 2018 Legislative Impacts ' Young Children and Immigration

Policy decisions make the news every day. Part of First 5's work is to highlight why the early years need significant attention in our local, state, and federal policies. Children are still learning how to use their words, and it is up to us to create systems that help them grow.  Strong early childhood policies lay the foundation for communities that value, respect, and invest in early childhood.

The 2018 California State Legislative session recently came to a close. Our October newsletter highlights the California early childhood wins that will positively impact our community. We also want to introduce our newest Commissioner who will help shape First 5's organizational policies and activities.  Finally, inspired to use your voice for children? Learn more about advocacy opportunities at the federal level around immigration. We have included our statement and concerns about the impact to our local communities.

First 5 Commissioners recently welcomed a new member to the board. Cristina Sotelo officially joined the Commission this month, bringing a wealth of knowledge around early childhood development and the needs of families living in South Monterey County. Commissioner Sotelo replaces Chris Shannon who served on the Commission for six years as a Community Member. We extend our thanks and gratitude to Chris for her time and expertise-she will be missed! READ MORE

Each year, we monitor and take a stand on local, state, and federal processes that can impact our focus areas: strong families, quality early childhood services, well-being, and integrated systems. At the state-level, Governor Brown recently signed some key bills that First 5 supported. We feel these new laws will help local families better access child care and assist child care providers in running their business. READ MORE

The Federal government recently opened public comment on proposed changes to immigration rules, modifying the definition of who can be considered a 'public charge'. The current proposed change in the definition to public charge would limit immigrants' path to citizenship if they have used a U.S. public welfare service. Under the new rule, immigrants who legally access health care (Non-Emergency Medicaid), food supports (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: SNAP — CalFresh in California), ... READ MORE

In a series of articles covering the 20th Anniversary of First 5, our Commission was highlighted in a piece by Education Dive about identifying additional funding sources for early childhood development. The King City Rustler also ran a story about Beth Reeves-Fortney, First 5 Monterey County Director of Programs, and the award she received for her work within early childhood mental health. Click read more to check out the articles. READ MORE

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Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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