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First 5 Monterey County
First 5 Outreach ' Sponsorship ' Express Visit ' Early Childhood Update

Did you know that July, August, and September are when the most babies are born in the U.S.?  We are always excited to welcome "bundles of joy" to Monterey County and work to ensure parents have the resources they need to build a strong relationship with their child from the start. We also want to make sure families are surrounded by a community that values young children.

Our August newsletter focuses on family and community resources and includes the Kit for New Parents, our sponsorship program that provides resources for events supportive of families with children ages 0 to 5, and partnerships in early childhood. Also, don't miss information about the First 5 California Express stops in September!

For over 15 years, families have turned to First 5 California's FREE Kit for New Parents for helpful information on nutrition, safety, quality child care, health, discipline, and early learning. Click READ MORE to find out how to provide this resource at your next event. READ MORE

For over 10 years, First 5 Monterey County has provided funding and resources to local events, professional development, and advocacy activities through our Sponsorship program. Funds enhance events and activities that focus on young children and families as a way to meet local needs in Monterey County. READ MORE

Two local events will host the First 5 California Express in early September. Click READ MORE to access event information. This is a family favorite! READ MORE

Good work is constantly happening in Monterey County supporting our youngest children. While positive progress is being made, needs continue to grow. Learn more about how local organizations came together to create a shared strategic framework to help accelerate efforts. READ MORE

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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