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First 5 Monterey County

Together We Raise Monterey County

Support First 5 Monterey County through MCGives!

This year, with a pandemic, wildfires, and calls for racial justice, our community's young children and their families need our support now more than ever.

First 5 Monterey County has been a trusted partner and champion for local children, families and caregivers since 1998. For the first time ever, First 5 Monterey County is participating in Monterey County Gives! and we need your support.  

With a donation through Monterey County Gives!, more than 1600 children will benefit from First 5 Monterey County mental health training. 

First 5 Monterey County can strengthen community mental health training, address social and racial inequities, and prepare children for lifelong learning and healthy interactions with your contribution. "We are going to have families that struggle and the root of how to tackle those struggles that our children and families have is mental health. Mental health is the baseline to begin to help a family," says Juan Huerta Villicana, former coordinator at San Andreas Regional Center. 

First 5 Monterey County is adapting to the pandemic by providing trainings and services in new and remote ways. Our mental health training series is designed to strengthen a diverse workforce of Monterey County. Participants build knowledge and practical expertise that can be applied to working with families. 

"That's the part that makes it helpful because it's that sense of I'm not alone in this, it's that sense of feeling supported, it's that sense of feeling, 'I get it. I hear you. It's tough.' When you don't feel alone, it goes a long, long way," says Monica, a local parent.

"We're at a time in our nation and especially in our state and in our community where people understand the importance of quality early childhood experiences and we need to put our money where our hearts are, and where our children need it," says Francine Rodd, Executive Director for First 5 Monterey County. 

This holiday season, give a gift that will strengthen our community's mental and emotional health through Monterey County Gives! 

Together WE Raise Monterey County!


1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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