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First 5 Monterey County
First 5 Monterey County Newsletter May 8, 2020

As we continue to move forward through these changes together, we want to remind you that First 5 Monterey County is here to support the health and safety of our community. Our COVID-19 page contains information for families across our county struggling with income loss related to shelter-in-place policies, access to food, confusion on immigration supports, anxiety or loneliness, or simply needing resources during this challenging time. READ MORE

Are you an essential worker needing child care? Please consider completing the Essential Personnel Seeking Child Care Referral Request. Once a family completes the referral request, the Monterey County Resource and Referral agency will follow-up with the family in order to connect them with care. Through the work of Bright Beginnings, F5MC is working together with the Child Care Planning Council, United Way, Quality Matters, and early childhood educators to meet the needs of our communities. READ MORE

Since the order for shelter-in-place went into effect, First 5 Monterey County has been concerned that outreach opportunities encouraging people to complete the 2020 Census would be more difficult. F5MC, along with the County of Monterey and other local organizations, sent a letter to our representatives and federal government encouraging them to extend the 2020 Census response deadline from July to November. READ MORE

Our local elected officials are working hard to make good decisions for our community. They can only make those informed decisions by hearing what families are experiencing through this COVID-19 time. On April 21, 2020 F5MC joined other First 5's across the state to meet with our state legislators. F5MC talked with the elected officials and the staff from Senators Monning and Caballero, along with Assemblymembers Stone and Rivas to discuss current COVID-19 asks. READ MORE

1125 Baldwin Street
Salinas, CA 93906
(831) 444-8637 (fax)
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